Design and conduct a skills gap analysis
Let our experienced skill experts support you in the conceptualisation and implementation of a skills gap analysis.
What is a skills gap analysis?
Skills gap analyses provide transparency about the current status of skills and competences in the company and show the delta to the target status. We support our customers in conducting and answering the important questions:
What skills do we have today?
What skills do we not have that we need today?
What skills will our company need in the future?
What skills do we absolutely need to develop?
Benefits of our support in conducting skill gap analyses
Conducting a skills gap analysis involves a number of different steps: mapping the skills in the organisation, creating target profiles, enabling people to map their skills (self-assessment and external assessment) and analysing the data. It often takes months to do all this manually. Customers who work with us reduce this time to a few weeks by using our skills management software and our expertise in skills mapping.
Finding the right skill granularity
Avoid your skills gap analyses not providing any insights later - because most companies record skills at far too high a level of granularity. With our software, we can test your skills directly and ensure that we get the results we need later.
Get rid of the Excel madness, simply track skills
Many companies try to track skills gaps in Excel - which usually ends in chaos. With edyoucated, you not only get experienced experts on your side, but also access to our skills assessment solution that makes tracking skills a breeze.
Identify skill gaps and close them directly
Analysing skill gaps is helpful. However, we can help you directly link your training catalogue or e-learning provider to your skills so that you have direct measures to effectively close the skills gaps in your company.
Why should you work with us?
We are one of Europe's leading skills management service teams, bringing a unique combination of skills expertise, technology know-how in skills management product development and consulting experience.

Skill Experts & Software
We have an unbeatable combination: a team of skills experts paired with a first-class skills management solution. An external skills team that supports you in the realisation of your projects and software that makes your (and our) work much easier.

Fast-track to Skills
The combination of our experts and our software will get you there 10x faster. We guide you on your journey, both strategically and operationally, from the initial consultation to the successful implementation of your use cases.

Years of Experience
We have helped countless organisations achieve success, we understand the challenges associated with skills transformation and we have the expertise to work with you to overcome them.